Monday, September 29, 2008

Back in the Air

After last week's trip I expected to be around home the rest of the year. Unfortunately my dad has started having some health issues and would feel better if I was with him. He fell last week and didn't tell me for about 3 days and is starting a month of radiation for a large skin cancer on his head (NOTE - USE SUNSCREEN)

He's been doing so well for his age (91) but I knew it was only a matter of time before something happened. Hopefully he will bounce back but it takes longer and longer. The sad part is his mind is still quite sharp. He and my mother-in-law have both told me that getting old is not for wimps.

I'm not leaving until Friday, so might even get in another blog before I go. It is just weighing on my mind tonight.

Tomorrow I get to go to a school board meeting and learn about the open meeting law. Our current board accidentally violated it earlier in the year so all of us, including candidates are being asked to show up for training. Yawn. I know it is important but not very interesting.

I'm making little progress on the knitting front. I'm thinking that maybe my Spring Forward sock is going to be a little small. I did size 1 needles to get gauge but am just not sure. Anybody have an experience with the pattern to contribute?

Time for bed. Sleep tight.


Donna Lee said...

Take care and have a safe trip. Your dad is right. Getting older is not for the faint of heart. And I'm 40 years younger than he is!

Amy Lane said...

I've got about 1/2 of one down--but it seems like the pattern stretched.

And yes--have a good trip--enjoy your time with your dad!