Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just me and the cats

It's a quiet Saturday night with Guitar Guy out doing a gig. Sitting on the couch surrounded by sleeping cats - I don't think they miss him a bit :-) I haven't told them yet that we are headed out for a family Thanksgiving weekend and leaving them behind. I'm sure they'll figure it out when the suitcases start appearing.

I think I will finish the socks I'm working on and watch some episodes of Heroes Season 2. Netflix streaming to my computer makes it so easy to catch up. I'm also reading The Lost Symbol. I know, it isn't great literature but my husband bought it and I was bored. I have to read something while waiting for Rampant to get published!
And just to give you a fix of baby cuteness. . .


roxie said...

That smile makes everything good in the world. What a precious dumpling! Thanks for the day's dose of cute.

Sounds like a good evening with cats, knitting and entertainment. Happy sigh!

Donna Lee said...

What a great face! I'd never get anything done because I'd always be staring at it.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Amy Lane said...

Wait... I think the extreme cuteness shorted out my heart... no, no... still beating...

OMG--he's SO BIG!!!!

Saren Johnson said...

Baby cuteness is right. Hope your Thanksgiving was good.