Thursday, June 18, 2009

A better week

This week I feel much more "on track" than last week. I appreciated the listening ears and supportive comments. Roxie's observation about taking one project at a time has helped with the feeling of being overwhelmed. I tend to pressure myself to be superwoman and then am disappointed when I'm not :-)

The first three days of the week were mostly spent sitting on an principal interview committee for the school district. It was a lengthy process involving paper screening and extended interviews with the candidates. I've done lots of group interviews over the years and the process always amazes me. The longer the group works together toward their common goal, the clearer the choices become. I think everyone left feeling good about the recommendations.

On the knitting side - I finished the February Lady yesterday! I'm going to wash and block her today and then I'll be ready for buttons. It looks really small, even for my daughter in law. I have faith though, that all the reports I read on Ravelry about superwash growing are true. Should have pictures tomorrow!


Donna Lee said...

I've never done a group interview. I think it would be interesting and very intimidating. I have a feeling that you will be successful in this endeavor. You are smart and have good ideas.

Em said...

A group interview sounds like an interesting process, can you tell us more about it? I can't wait to see pictures of the FLS, and I'm sure your daughter-in-law will love it. It's nice to feel accomplished, isn't it? I fall into the same trap of trying to do too many things at once, and then being frustrated when none of them get done. I recruit help, now.

Saren Johnson said...

I've been on the receiving side of group interviews. HATE them.

Can't wait to see the February Lady.

Amy Lane said...

Roxie is like, the BEST cheerleader ever when it comes to feeling overwhelmed--I'm glad you're feeling better--and never apologize for whining on the internet. I've got you beat HANDS DOWN!