Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving forward

Looking back, it is amazing how much progress Nicole has made since Monday. She has gone from walking with 3 people helping to tooling around rehab with her walker. A week ago she had just started talking again and this afternoon we had a 1/2 hour conversation on the phone. The rate of change is encouraging as is her quirky sense of humor. She keeps trying to convince me that her Drain Bamage is responsible for anything she wants to get away with :-) I told her that bullshit wouldn't fly.

Although Patrick brought some of her favorite books for us to read to her, I decided the Little Goddess books weren't a mommy read aloud. If I read with appropriate passion we could probably draw a good audience though LOL.

When Nicole moved to rehab on Wednesday, she had to create her goals which included things like typing, reading fluidly and KNITTING. We thought it would be good therapy for her numb left hand. Since her concentration is less than usual, a garter stitch scarf seemed like a reasonable goal. The healing power of fiber - got to love it.

I was home for the day today but am back on the road in the AM. The poor cats are so confused with my absence but seem to be surviving. Now I'm off to make some Scotcheroos for Nicole's birthday on Monday.

1 comment:

Saren Johnson said...

That is so wonderful to hear! Fate really must have been working overtime getting you two together, before the incident.