Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring in the desert

Everyone has been posting such beautiful pictures of spring flowers from around the country that I thought I'd share some desert pictures. My agave plant finally flowered (that is the large stalk in the middle). Unfortunately the plant dies after flowering so I guess I need to call the landscaper again.

This is a prickly pear but it is not in full bloom yet. I'll try to get another picture when all of the pink flowers along the spines come out. No, I don't make jelly from mine

What looks like a wild shrub actually is. Creosote blooms with tiny white and yellow flowers in the spring, sends down deep roots that are almost impossible to dig out and gives the desert its distinctive "after rain" smell when we occasionally get the wet stuff.

This flatish flowering shrub is lantana and commonly used in desert landscaping. It comes in a variety of colors, is low water use and blooms most of the year. They are particularly pretty right now.

Many flowers will grow here, but in the winter when we aren't so hot. Thus ends our lecture on desert flora 101!


Amy Lane said...

okay-- that's really cool--and very different! Thank you! It's like pistachio flower porn after lots of wonderful chocolate and vanilla--all of it's tasty:-)

Donna Lee said...

I always think of the desert as a reddish brown color and with no flowers, just tumble weeds. Too many westerns as a kid, I guess. Those flowers are really pretty and so different from the water hogs we have here on the coast.

Em said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures, I'm always fascinated by things that can flower in a desert. I have this mental image of sand dunes and camels, I guess I can blame Disney's Aladdin for that, when the word desert is mentioned. Do you ever get homesick for less efficient plants?