Sunday, August 10, 2008

The week in review

It has been an eventful week with lots of progress on the new geriatric care business. We have our business license, so I am now the proud owner of two businesses that make no money! The up side is we may already have a client so are hurrying to get our formal structure in place. Our logo and web site are being developed and we should have insurance coverage next week. Yeah.

The school board candidate stuff is already starting. The newspaper called about sending me a candidate survey so they'll have some background information (gulp). I guess this is really happening!

Nicole is coming to visit us next week from Phoenix, which we are really looking forward to. This will be our last visit before nursing school starts for her and days off become nonexistent. It may be Thanksgiving before we get to really spend time together again.

I uploaded a couple of photos from the Fifth Element's last gig. The bar they were playing has a tiny stage area so they didn't have a lot of room to move around.

Here I am in the spot I held down all night. Yes, they actually have a couch in this bar so I had one of the soft seats. You can't see that I put on make up and jewelry so I wouldn't look too frumpy next to all the younger women in their "club" clothes.

This may be the only picture of me dancing since I started having children (except at my son's wedding)! I was dragged on to the dance floor and made it through one song before collapsing back on the couch totally out of breath. I absolutely need to start doing some exercise before I become a total vegetable.

Here are the pattern books I received from Knittech's blog anniversary contest. There are some really cute ones and I have a few picked out to put on the future knitting list. Thanks for picking me!!

Pippin says it is Sunday morning and time to take a much needed nap. He did already eat breakfast and sit with his mom for cuddle and purr time. How exhausting! Pippin wishes a relaxing day to all fur persons (and their people).


Donna Lee said...

Thank you Pippin! We had a lovely day. I'm always amazed at how much energy it takes to dance! And I asked for a bicycle for my birthday. I'm sure I'll make it around my very short block before I collapse but probably not much farther than that. I need not to be such a couch potato, thus the bike. It's tough getting old....

Amy Lane said...

Okay--is there anything cooler than dancing to your husband's band? I think not! Knittech gives good gifts! (And Pippin is a fine gentleman and a good cat.

Saren Johnson said...

Thank the Eldest! She picked your number. I'm glad you got them. Both you and Amy are living the dream. Now I need to get off my ass and do it!!!

roxie said...

Dance, you crazy Goddess! Dance! And yay for the Fifth Element!

Merry and Pippin look to be adorable, cuddlesome people, quite laid back and mellow. Mellow is soooo nice.