Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby kitty photos

Please meet baby kitty Novae, 8 weeks old. She is my daughter's roommates new addition to the family and we got to spend our visit playing with her. You forget after a while how goofy kittens are. The dryer sheet offered a lot of play value compared to the scratching pad and ball!

Novae is shown next to big Kaelas, my much loved grandcat. Kaelas loves kittens and makes sure they are washed regularly. He just plants a big paw, gets the kitten firmly in a headlock and administers a tongue bath.

After hours of bouncing around the house, flying through the air to cling to the couch like velcro, and climbing the bare walls, Novae takes a well earned nap in the middle of the artificial plant.

We had a great time and daughter treated me to a pre-Mother's day pedicure complete with little flowers and jewels on my big toes. Pretty fancy! We ate out, shopped, played games and drank sangria. Plus, daughter learned how to knit today. I took knitting needles and yarn with me and we finally found time to try them out. She completed a 4" swatch and learned all the basics. A good time was had by all.


Donna Lee said...

My cats used to sit in the middle of the real plants when they were kittens. Maybe they felt like their ancestral genes were calling them and they were hiding in the tall grass on a veldt somewhere stalking an antelope. Kittens are fun but sooooo destructive.

Amy Lane said...

Yay! I'm so glad you had fun--and the baby kitty is just precious!!! He'll probably be another psycho-kitty--those are the best kind:-)

Em said...

What a cutie! And how great that the older cat will not smite him. We'd like a kitten, but we're afraid the cat would absorb it. It sounds like you and your daughter had a great time together. Oh, and I'm glad she approves of the shoes.